What are the basics of the 42nd BImSchV in Germany?

What are the basics of the 42nd BImSchV in Germany?

Explore with us an interesting and important part of German legislation that focuses on the environment: The 42nd BImSchV is a landmark BMUV regulation that ensures protection against unwanted air pollution or other harmful emissions from technical equipment! The...
Documentation: Toxic LNG Terminal?

Documentation: Toxic LNG Terminal?

We hope this post reaches you too! We wanted to bring your attention to a video that has been making rounds in northern Germany – that we believe is worth watching. The topic at hand is the recent arrival of the LNG terminal ship in Wilhelmshaven. The ship is...
We set course for Athens!

We set course for Athens!

From 06.06.22 – 10.06.22 we will participate in this year’s Posidonia, which is one of the most important fairs for the Greek maritime industry. As co-exhibitor alongside our new distribution partner for Greece and Cyprus, Environmental Protection...
Press Release DBPI receives Type Approval

Press Release DBPI receives Type Approval

Press Release Ultrasonic antifouling receives type approval Kiel. Dynamic Biofilm Protection Intelligent (DBPi) is the only ultrasonic antifouling system worldwide to receive General Type Approval. In cooperation with Lloyd’s Register, the certification was...