Press Release

HASYTEC nominated for the German Environmental Award 2022.                          14.02.2022

Kiel. In the year where the German Environmental Award can celebrate its 30th anniversary HASYTEC has been suggested for the four-stage selection process. The suggestion is supported by the Mechanical –and Plant Engineering Association (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V. – VDMA), which was necessary for the further process. „The VDMA is very pleased when an innovation member wins this prestigious award. That is also an inspiration for our entire industry with it’s strong commitment to the development of technical solutions, that supports the climate and environmental protection” says Mr. Hauke Schlegel, Managing Director of VDMA Marine Equipment and Systems.

The main focus is the environment

The German Environmental Award is one of the most prestigious awards in Europe. The honor is accompanied by with a prize sum of € 500.000. The patron is the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), that has given out the award since 1993. The award is given to concepts, procedures or persons that contributes to protection of the environment and through their efforts bring changes.


HASYTEC Electronics is originally a Cleantech-Startup from Kiel, Germany. The company develops and markets a system that is working with the principles of Ultrasound and prevents development of biofilm and maritime growth in a environmental friendly and sustainable manner.
This system makes the use of paint with content of heavy metals, as well as the environmental harmful copper anodes obsolet. At the same time will the clean hull and propeller reduce the use of fuel oil.

In the beverage, food, and paper industry the system is used to reduce organic and inorganic deposits. The system has even proven successful in the fight against Legionella and other bacteria in e.g., cooling towers.

About the VDMA

With their 3.400 members the VDMA is the biggest Network organization, and the most important advocate fort the engineering industry in Germany. The organization represents the commons interest, be that technical or scientific of this unique and diversified industrial sector.
The VDMA Marine Equipment and Systems is the spokesperson for the export heavy maritime industry that is active in the worldwide markets of shipping, ship building and oil- and gas industry.